Google Earth Terrain Data OBJ for SketchUp

What’re you’re going to do with it next?

Well, I wanna try and get the textures to work properly. The whole model turns black when it’s in texture mode and each object has to have nodes turned on manually and have the appropriate texture matched to it (hundreds to sort through). I’m sure there’s an automated way to do this, but I’m not good enough on Blender to do it. I think what’s most valuable for me is the roof top data. I’ve been modeling individual houses in my neighborhood and putting them all on a neighborhood base map

I have rough geometry for place holders (created from building footprint data on open street map), but it’s a really stupidly time consuming project. Having a file like this should allow me to reference and better mirror object placement and those hard-to-get dimensions (rooftops are the worst).

Maybe try and separate out all the tree geometry to create a canopy layer?

I dunno there’s like a lot of options it feel like

Theoretically of course

May have gotten the textures working!

SketchUp may still be loading

May have found a much smaller version of the file (covering a much smaller portion of the map). Only 29.2 mb. Can anyone get this thing to load faster? Taking an hour on this end and still circle of death

In case anyone was curious about how this turns out in Blender:


Hey Tyson, do you mind showing us how to run the Javascript in the first place? This seems like an interesting approach. But I can’t get it to work :frowning:

Hey @lucker45, so sorry for the delay. It seems like they changed the process a bit - I’m trying to re-figure out how to do it. If I remember correctly, I just had to download node js or something and run NPM install? Let me see if I can figure it out again. There’s been a lot of changes since I used it last apparently

Trying the same thing myself. Did you @tysongersh find out how to start after the changed how to?