Goodies sketchup

Hi !

I would like to find goodies such as the initial sketchup logo (red stairs) to put on the corner of the desk

With a few holes on the top, you could even use it to put pens in and it wouldn’t just be decorative

It’s far from the initial SketchUp logo but you can find a variety of 3D models of it in the 3D Warehouse which you could 3D print.

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Don’t be lazy! If this model seems challenging to you, you should study and practice some more.


I just made one for fun.
Export as .stl and 3D print away!
SketchUp logo old.skp (135,3 KB)

It’s not difficult bit I search something I dont need to print because I dont have a 3d print. Perhaps there is sonewhere a shop who has this in metal or plastic but a little heavy

Ah. I misunderstood your original post. You aren’t looking to model or print this, you are wondering if someone else has a ready-made object you can purchase. Alas, I don’t know of a source for such stuff. Sorry.

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