German Grand Prix

@RTCool yep was not the best organising but (second) best seats I have had in 5 years!

Here are some photos, was right on the money watching Seb crash in his home turf, had lots of fun letting all the Germans around me know… I don’t think us Brits were too popular on leaving, good job it was a wash out and I could escape via the grid :slight_smile:

Rating: Second best seats but would never go back to Hockenhiem…ever…!

Next year we are tossing up between Canada and Austin if anybody has thoughts?

Ed:would not allow me to share the link but you can copy and paste it here:

For the Arch buffs, got some nice pics on the Sweden>Denmark bridge on the way out!


And although I am not his biggest fan a little cheeky one of Lewis on his last lap to pole (5 corners to go)


definitely, was the last F1 GP at the Hockenheimring :wink:

I am heading for Hanoi 2120 F1 :slight_smile:

just up the coast!

Nice, I’m thinking of Melbourne 2019