Geo-Location toggling terrain error

I am a new user. I would like to get a topography of a territory and get 3d model of it as a solid part to transfer it to Autocad. I do grab the image, but once I try to toggle terrain, the image messed up. The image is attached. Can anyone please help me out? My purpose is to get 3d model and place my structure on top of the terrain to be able to analyze it using FEM software. thank you


How about attaching the SKP file instead. It’s difficult to diagnose the problem exactly from the a screen shot.

Thanks for the quick response. The file is attached.
toggling error.skp (542.2 KB)

It looks like the terrain supplier has some bad data. It’s nothing you did wrong and it’s not a problem with SketchUp itself. You could check to see if scaling it will give you anything useful. Unlock it first before applying the Scale tool.

It did not solve the problem. Is there any solutions you might suggest? Thanks

Maybe I am applying the scaling operation wrong. Can you please try to operate scaling function to see if it works or not? I appreciate your help . Thank you.

It’s not going to be exactly right no matter what you do. The data coming in is bad. I had a look at Google Earth just for comparison. It’s no better.

So, I cannot work on it in these conditions to create the topography??

Even when it’s scaled down there’s not much useful topography to work with.Scaling is problematic unless you know some height you can measure, The topography is rather coarse.

I just created contours using Google Earth. It gives reasonable results as it is seen from the pic. Can I use those contours to create the 3d terrain. If so, Can you please explain me how?
My second question is that if I get .kml file from Google Earth, Can I create model using SketchUp ?
Thank you.

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