I hope you can help me
When I’m using the geolocation it works, I can zoom it and select a region, but when I’m trying to ‘grab it’ nothing happens.
Sketch Up 14
Mac OSX LION 10.7.5
I hope you can help me
When I’m using the geolocation it works, I can zoom it and select a region, but when I’m trying to ‘grab it’ nothing happens.
Sketch Up 14
Mac OSX LION 10.7.5
this is likely a Google Maps + Safari issue…
if you type “grab mac” in the forum search field, you’ll find a lot of people had this happen when GM dropped support for older browsers…
Yea, request a geolocation, and maybe someone can send you a model, or upload one to 3dwarehouse. Make sure Flash is current.
Flash works fine on OSX, all that Apple stopped providing was a built-in copy…
you also need to set up updating yourself, you can test your version here
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin. Addlocation will work without, webtextures will not.