Full Screen Mode in Video Tutorials?

The button on the bottom right of your videos that “I BELIEVE” should put the video into and out of full screen mode does not change the video size. I cannot see the video clearly in the default size. How do I go to full screen mode in the tutorial videos?

Could you provide a link to the video tutorial(s) giving you problems. I tested a few of them on the SketchUp site with Chrome and they go to full screen with no problem.

That works full screen for me in FF, perhaps you need to install silverlight, or some other browser plugin.

Works full screen for me in Chrome and Internet Explorer.

works flawless in recent Fx v41.0.2 f. Windows, Flash/Shockwave/Silverlight is not required.


It says Silverlight is a prerequisite on Safari for mac at least…


@Barry, this ‘learn’ facility is really broken on mac…

I just installed the latest Silverlight [against better judgement] …
After juggling permissions, as an admin I can now watch the small version, but can’t close the tab, or go full screen…
It throws loads of errors in the dev log and on occasion requires quitting Safari to escape…
WHY, insist of silverlight that requires installing an unstable plugin from a questionable source?

If there’s a way to avoid it please let everyone know…


Yea, we’re not responsible for that side of things, but I’ll mention it to them. As you heard from others, FF & Chrome work fine. Safari and IE don’t work full screen for me. Silverlight on Mac is something I’ve tried to avoid for years, and we shouldn’t be requiring that.

I am actually using MS Edge.

MS Silverlight for Apple Safari… jehova-jehova

Has anyone else seen this issue and/or come up with a solution? I know others here have said its working for them but I’m not convinced we are talking apples and apples. Specifically, I’m unable to go to full screen when viewing the tutorials directly from the learn.sketchup.com site. There is NO option for viewing full screen and it’s really impossible to have any kind of satisfactory experience trying to watch these tutorials at 1/4 to 1/3 size. I’ve tried this in multiple browsers on multiple computers and both Mac and Windows. What gives? Yes, I can watch these videos in Youtube BUT there is no way to track progress etc let alone that it’s very hard to find the videos in sequence like you can while viewing from the learn.sketchup site.

As a workaround you can right-click and choose to open the frame in a new window, and then you get the full screen option.


Ah! Thanks Colin! Yep, I opened one of the movies, right-clicked, chose “This Frame” and then as you said, Open Frame In New Window. Great work around - thanks! By the way, when you open it that way, it launches it direct from Vimeo which I presume was working behind the scenes and maybe that’s the issue. After posting my question, I did discover that I was able to watch the videos on my iPad Pro so IOS is working for me.