FredoLayport - New extension to view in Sketchup what you'll get in Layout - Looking for beta testers

Did you try to resize the dialog window?

Yes, I have.
I have also removed and reinstalled both LibFredo5 and Layport plugins.

Any error in the Ruby Console?

Did it happen before you installed LibFredo6 v14.9?

I had an older version of LibFredo installed (I’m not sure which version) and was updated to v14.8 when I discovered Layport.

I updated Libfedo and installed Layport at the same time and noticed the problem in Layport. Shortly after the update, v14.9 was released, and I updated that with the same results.

No error appears; however, I’m not versed in using Ruby Console.

Does this happen with other dialogs of Layport or my other plugins?

I am a big fan of your plugins and use many of them, and I have never experienced this issue before. Layport is the only one.

Because I can’t create a Layport, there are no dialog boxes except preferences. It looks acceptable to me.


All the buttons appear in the ‘Paper Format for the Model’ dialog box, and it closes when you press Escape.

Since I am a new member of the forum, I am limited to the number of messages I can post in this thread.

Click on the last icon of Layport toolbar and choose ‘Paper Format for the Model’

Do you have all the buttons ?

Also, if you press Escape, does the dialog close?

All the buttons appear in the ‘Paper Format for the Model’ dialog box, and it closes when you press Escape.

Could you open the Ruby Console and copy/paste the following command and type Enter.

Traductor::ChromiumWdlg.dialog_info_reset "FredoLayport_Config"

This resets the configuration of the dialog.

Still no buttons after resetting the dialog configuration.

If line colors for parts of a model have been changed in Layout via tags, will the changed line color also display in the SketchUp Layport?

Changes made to viewports in LayOut do not telegraph back to the SketchUp model file. It’s a one way street.