File size in SU 2017

Hi there,

I develop the same SU model since 2006 (it’s a downtown core), and for the first time, after updating SU (to 2017 version), I noticed a clear increase in the file size. Actually, from 147 to 165 Mb!

Anyone knows why ?

One possibility is the new GUIDs (globally unique ids) added to Entities in SU 2017. These enabled better coordination with Layout (real associative dimensions) and will let extension developers do more advanced things. But they add some overhead.

Thank’s. It must be something like that because I also noticed that if I save my file back to an earlier version (let’s say SU 2015), the file comes back to its initial size.

In fact, it doesn’t matter as long as SU remain fluid and fast. And, to this date, SU 2017 is indeed faster.