Doesn’t have to be furniture. That just happens to be what I tried first. Going to look for something right now.
Other than the wood textures not actually going with the actual line of the wood and having a shiney carpet it’s not too bad; compare it with the first one and see the difference it makes.
BTW you’re missing a keyboard and mouse (maybe they are in the desk cupboard… and you can’t get them because the handle fell off)
I’ll have to try messing with the wood textures. As fire shiny carpet, I just used the Berber carpet material. Not sure why it comes out shiny.
I suppose I could get more practice by making models of a keyboard and mouse. I forgot to make handles on the drawers too.
Here is a render I did today. This is at 5 hours render time. I removed the ceiling light, decreased the lamp light, and added the wall lamp. I created an object of my Apple Magic Keyboard (drew every single key too!), changed the wood texture on the desk, and changed the floor to hardwood. Much better than my 1st scene!
Here is a new scene I did tonight. For lighting this time, I created 2 modern wall lights and set the luminosity to 200,000 (still trying to figure out what the number means) and used a different kind of desk lamp from my last scene. I tried to arrange this as a way I would like my new office. This is at about the 12 minute mark with Indigo. 1 question is why do I have those light tan speckles all over the place? They are more pronounced around the floor mat and bookcase.