Hi, I tried to run Sefaira on my model (daylighting Analysis). I am keep getting an error: there’s been an error processing your model. Could you guys help me and review my model (attached).
schematic Design_3.skp (953.5 KB)
It still doesnt work (((( I think windows are the problem but honestly I dont know… If it works on you, what it doesnt work on my laptop… It works only when windows tagged as walls
Hi @dashanaza901,
You are doing a “Energy & Daylight” analysis. Your model is quite complicated so takes about 7-10 minutes to perform energy analysis.
From the Sefaira Plugin, the time limit for an analysis is 5 minutes, so you are getting a failure.
If you switch the Analysis mode to “Daylight Analysis” and upload the model to Sefaira in order to perform energy analysis, you should see the energy results complete OK there (because the time limit is longer for the Sefaira web app - 20 minutes)
Oh, Okay, Thank you for your help guys