Ok. Then I’ll use verschachtelte in my own extension and hope SU 2019 (or even a 2018 maintenance release) is corrected to use the same phrase.
btw, one of the best online language translation services is currently DeepL, at least for European languages.
Looks useful. Thanks!
Actually I never questioned the phrase ‘nested’ at all because the correct translation is ‘eingebettet’ which is retranslated ‘embedded’ and very true for this matter.
Embedded isn’t exactly the same thing as nested. I would call any component loaded into the model embedded. A component is only nested if it solely is used within other components (or groups).
Okay I agree, the more specific phrase would be ‘nested within component’, which is too long to be useful.
That is why I suggested the somewhat pithier "Unterkomponenten " == “Sub-Components”
As these are clearly component[-instance]s located within other ‘containers’…
And that name are unlikely to be confused for anything else ?
But if you import that model into another, would the embedded component not be nested?
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