Error Generating Reports and materials question

Good morning, I am running SU Pro 2016 V16.1.1451 Mac version Running OS El Capitan V10.11.4

Two questions, I could not resolve myself:

Am finishing a new woodworking model and went to run the File/Generate Report function, which has worked previously. Running now generates the following Alerts and the report is not generated.

Callback function error: Can’t find variable: goog

ERROR: Error: Callback function error: Can’t find variable: goog @ /dcbridge.js[601]

Any recommendations how to correct this condition?

Am looking for a way to property identify Material types and material name for inclusion in Component attributes, or the Materials picker. I need to do this for the cut list type outputs, from generate reports to output in a meaningful manner. Also need to be able to adjust colors or associated material avatar, e.g wood grain material.

Have read the current “Applying Colors, Photos, Materials, and Textures”, but have not found an applicable guide that addresses these items.

Thanks, as always.

You can add custom attributes via the Dynamic Components - Component Attributes Dialog
Import this simple example into SU to have a look.
Context click on the component > Dynamic Components > Component Attributes

Please update your profile with this info!

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