Dynamic Name

Hello everyone.
I’ve created a dynamic component based on a collaborative/eating space.
When you use the scale tool, it dynamically substract or add some elements.
No problem for that part.
But I need the Name to be dynamic as well.
Unfortunately I’ve to get 3 different names,
above an X of 945cm, COT-2-23-O
between an X of 845 and 600, COT-2-17-O
Under an X of 600, COT-2-8-O

The line “between” is the problem because I don’t know the formula.
I’ve tried this but it doesn’t work:
And when you only use the < sign it put two names or more if you’re under a certain X value.

COT-2-23-O.skp (12.0 MB)

I don’t know if there is a way to use intervals in those formulas.

Best regards.

use the AND condition for two or more conditions and nested ifs

=if(and(lenx>600,lenx<845),“COT-2-17-O”,if(lenx<=600, “COT-2-8-O”,“COT-2-23-O”))


Hello, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work.

It works for me. Pay attention to ‘smart quotes’, SU wants standard ones. " instead of “


Right, didn’t see the smart quotes, it solved the problem.
Thanks a lot. Not really used to the AND function

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