Dynamic Door numbering and size reference

Hi All,

I made this dynamic door (link below), I opted for 2 doors on this, one open and one closed as opposed to using the dynamic feature as this works better for my scene setups.
The issue I am having now is I want to number the doors in outliner and generate a report. however I cant get it to work.
I copy these across the model as they are fast to adjust and have the standard sizes I need. however if I create a different size jamb for the same width door I then have 2 variations of the component.
Ideally I want to number the doors from D1-D12 and next to each door number it will say the leaf size like the following D1<910> D2 <760>

Even if I change all the instances to the correct Door number, then change all the definitions to 910 910#1 910#2 when I generate a report I only get the original DC name (hinged door) come through

Mass updating the numbering in outliner if a door was added or removed would also be fantastic.
anyone have any options or tips here?

Swing Doors - Single.skp (391.8 KB)

Use the “NAME” attribute with formula to index and size, then copy / paste to instance name (make component generic without bother for #numbers, lists via Name attribute rather than component

Swing Doors - Single.skp (390.6 KB)


Thanks for the reply Philip, I learnt a lot just from your screenshot alone.
The issue i have with copy / paste to the instance is if a door size is changed but the instance is not it will give me the wrong size in my report.
I saw another post from your regarding inserting the component to a clean drawing or purging said component and reinserting. when I done this and updated the instance it automatically updated the component names (D3 in my screenshot) but also allowed them to show in the generate report tool.
I added a Door leaf report line in the door attributes, so now when I run the report I can filter by leaf size giving me a list of what I need.
I also wanted to keep the door number and door size separate so when I note them on my plans in layout I can use the instance showing just the number but on my door elevations have both the number and the size.

Many thanks

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