Download Mac SketchUp 2014 SDK

Is there any way to download the final Mac SketchUp 2014 SDK? We need 32-bit support for one of our apps, and the version we have (version 8 (4/4/2014)) is reporting a version 1 signature in codesign, while our app uses version 2.


Pinging @bugra or @Paul - can you take a look at this?

Sorry, we never did update the 2014 SDK with the latest code signing. And the latest SDK is 64-bit only.

The Mac 2015 SDK that I just downloaded appears to have an invalid signature.

Shawns-Yosemite-iMac:/ Shawn$ codesign --verify --deep --verbose=2 /SketchUp-SDK-Mac/slapi.framework
/SketchUp-SDK-Mac/slapi.framework: invalid signature (code or signature have been modified)
In architecture: x86_64

However the framework included with SketchUp appears fine.

Shawns-Yosemite-iMac:/ Shawn$ codesign --verify --deep --verbose=2 /Applications/SketchUp\ 2015/
/Applications/SketchUp 2015/ valid on disk
/Applications/SketchUp 2015/ satisfies its Designated Requirement

Shawn, thanks for reporting this. Something went wrong during SDK packaging. We are working on fixing it.

Any idea when the signed SDK will be fixed? We mainly kept a 32-bit version of our app around for SketchUp support, so having this should fix all of our problems. Thanks.

We fixed the problem but it has to go through QA. It won’t be too long. I’ll report back here when it’s available to download. Thanks again!

Has there been any word on when this will be made available?

Yes, the fixed SDK package is now available on our website.

Is there any chance you could compile a 32-bit version?

@LxLasso we do not currently have plans to release a 32-bit version for Mac.