Divisones autoticas de un mismo tamaño

Requiero ayuda para desarrollar las divisiones de muebles de melamine de manera automática y de un mismo tamaño.

I need help to develop melamine furniture partitions automatically and in the same size.

Translated by Google:

“I need help to develop melamine furniture partitions automatically and in the same size.”

You need to provide more information. Your profile says you are using SketchUp Free(Web). I expect from what little I get from your request, your best option would be to create components and save them to the 3D Warehouse so you can insert them into your models later and copy them as needed. There wouldn’t be a way to automatically create components in the web version…

DaverR. utilizo sketchup de servicio gratuito, de uso personal. observe un video de que se creaban divisiones de muebles de melamine de manera fácil y sencilla. hizo los laterales de un mueble de melamine, coloco el zócalo y de alli creo un componente, la tapa y copio a la base del zócalo y menciono diagonal y se hicieron 5 divisiones rápidas y equidistantes. gracias por su ayuda. Esperando mayor datos.

Again translated by the Goog:

“I use free sketchup for personal use. watch a video of melamine furniture partitions being created easily and simply. He made the sides of a melamine furniture, placed the plinth and from there I created a component, the cover and copied to the base of the plinth and I mention diagonal and 5 quick and equidistant divisions were made. thanks for your help. Waiting for more data.”

It sounds like you need to learn the fundamentals. learn.sketchup.com

You can model a panel as a component and then use Move/Copy to make and place additional copies. Select the Move tool and then press Ctrl to activate the copy function. You can make multiple copies in a linear array. Either move the first copy the correct distance to the next location and then type x n where n is the number of additional copies or move the copy to the last position and type /n where n is the number of copies.


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