Design problem

Hi everyone

I designed a frame hoping to export as a 3D image but can’t work out how to make it an ‘object’. I spent a lot of time on designing the image but it’s not in a format I can seem to use, it doesn’t seem to be a solid object. I’m not sure where I’ve gone wrong. I’m wanting to extrude the frame part. How do I convert it to something I can use? This is what I’m trying to achieve - the mat in this image.


54scalloped 1.skp (265.1 KB)

The scalloped shape is not flat. Here I’ve scaled the model up by 1000 and you can see the z- values aren’t all zero.

I’ve mentioned this to you before. Turn off Length Snapping in Model units and set your Display Precision high. This is what you’ve got set in your model.

I also suggested modeling as if millimeters are meters. That would make it easier to deal with the curves. And it would probably be best if you start with a rectangle and draw your scalloped shape onto the face.

Here I’ve moved your edges up above the ground plane and drew in a rectangle under them. I selected your edges and then used Drape from the Sandbox Tools. After this deleting the inner and outer faces will leave you with a face you can extrude.


Thanks again. I have a few other models I’ve been working on that have my old settings of mm. Is there a way I can make metres with model snapping turned off a default setting?

Make an empty model with those settings then save it as a template and set as your default.


I’m struggling a bit here. I understand your solution Dave. I also now understand the principles of drape but I can’t get it to work.
I raised my scalloped frame above the ground plane and drew a rectangle underneath. I can select all of my frame, but when I use drape, only the external edges of my frame appear on the rectangle below, not the internal design. I can drape each external edge individually or as a whole but not the centre part. I guess I need to somehow link the inside and outside of my frame together?
54scalloped 1.skp (265.1 KB)

You didn’t scale the model up first. Those curves consist of very short edges which SketchUp won’t resolve in the Drape process. Scale the model up by 1000 and work with units set to Meters.

To scale the model up, get the Tape Measure tool and measur the long side of the outer border of your shape. Currently it is 127 mm long. Click with the Measure tool at both ends of that edge. Then type 27m and press Enter. Agree to resize the model. Then set up and do the draping process.

And turn off Length Snapping.

Here’s a video showing that. I added a dimension so you can see that the model was resized.

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That worked perfectly, thank you Dave!
I did change mm to metres but neglected to rescale…

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