I have a question about customizing a new version of the SU Shop, especially for my business/company. I don’t know who shall I talk to as I contacted the sales while they only take care of the SketchUp Pro business.
We are a growing Interior Design and Architecture Design firm, and we are developing our team in different cities and creating a platform for designers to collaborate online. We want to customize a web-version SU, or an APP that could be used internally, to share our own “model warehouse” and to extend certain functions/tools of SU Shop to fit our requirements, for instance, rendering plug-in like Enscape. We will pay for the customizing service and want to talk to a representative from SketchUp team who can help us move on. Please kindly give me a hint if you know someone I should contact. Very appreciated!
SketchUp sales sounds like the right people to contact, but I don’t think you’ll get very lucky regarding customizing the web version. It lacks a plugin API so things can’t really be built onto it without being built into it. I think SketchUp Pro is better for this.
Well… aren’t the files that are stored “in” shop essentially stored and accessible in trimble connect? The latter has an API that can be consumed. Render applications also have an api. I can see possibilities for an external app communicating with both.
Thank you, guys. I am still looking for the right person to see if there is any possibility to develop the idea. We are not only the platform for designers, as well as an educational platform for our customers to do design by themselves. A web version will be ideal since some people just don’t really want to install a professional software on their laptop, and working on a cloud platform is also easier for sharing and communicating.
How can I contact Caroline who seems to be the Forum Moderator? Can I send messages to her directly? Or just @Caroline?
Edit: why develop something if it is all ready there?
If you have the right plan in Trimble Connect, all your users will have access to the Premium Web based modeller (SketchUp Shop), can have access to your shared folders ( you manage the roles and what they can alter) and have access to the built in visualiser, as well (for now, windows only)
And yes, you can develop xtra functionality with the API for extracting data, for instance.
Thank you very much, Mike!
I do see some extra functions are built in the Shop version, comparing to the free web version. But there are more customized functions we want to be integrated into one SU web body, instead of opening several windows, you know, it is much easier and more friendly for people new to SU. Hopefully someone from SU team can get in touch with me soon.
I think I can speak to this one. Mark may also weigh in if he has further thoughts.
As Aaron pointed out, we have never been in the business of licensing SketchUp for “whitelabel” implementations. For example, if a kitchen cabinet manufacturer wanted to build a custom kitchen design tool that featured their products and carried their branding instead of ours; and perhaps wanted to launch that on their public website.
On the other hand, we do habitually build features into SketchUp that are designed to make it easier for an office to implement standards and best practices with a customized SketchUp configuration just right for their staff’s needs.
If you can talk more about what you are trying to do, I will be more able to tell what we’ll be able to help you build… and what we may not.
Thank you so much for your reply, John.
This is my email: (ed: redacted to reduce your spam), please kindly shot me a message, and I would like to discuss more details about our plan, requirements, and possibilities.
Looking forward to it!