Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

I want to make some changes to my Keyboard Shortcuts.

In particular I would like to be able to use the SPACEBAR to switch back to the SELECT comamand/cursor. Presently it pulls up the MODEL INFO box and drives me nuts. I have tried to change the MODEL INFO to ‘M’ which works but the SPACEBAR keeps bringing it up too. The default in Preferences shows it as SPACEBAR and for some reason it does not work.

Please explain this to me and help me make this change so that it works the way I want.

Thank you.

this happens on a mac if you have the ‘System Preferences’ >> ‘Keyboard’ >> ‘Shortcuts’ >> ‘Full Keyboard Access’ set to ‘All controls’…

if your on a mac and need a screenshot to find it, let us know…

you can also Press Control+F7 to change the setting…

If your on Windows I have no idea…

Hello, On Windows the space bar is a default setting but as you can see you can assign it multiple keys or just click on Space to blue it out. Then click the minus sign to remove it as a assigned short cut. To add one use the box above it then click the (+) sign , then OK… To get there it is from Window > Preferences and the dialog box opens…Peace…

Hilight “Window/Model Info” in the function list, then if there is “Space” in the assigned list, choose it and click the minus button.

I do appreciate the feedback and responses. I am on a MacBook Pro for your information. The Windows interface for Shortcuts does seem better than Macs at the present time and allows for more flexibility. I will be sure to leave feedback on the Beta Forums to see if we can get the Mac side more up to speed.

Any other suggestions you have I would greatly appreciate.

This is what the Mac shortcut panel should look like if you scroll down to the select tool and assign the space key to it. Is that what you see?

Yes, this is what it looks like. I had to disable some keyboard commands in system preferences to get it to work properly.

How do I add new shortcuts to this list???

The list of available choices contains built-in items plus any that plugins or extensions have added to the menus. Items from context-sensitive menus are available only when the active selection in the model would activate that menu. There is no other way to, for example, define your own macro. To set a shortcut, you type the character into the box at the bottom left where it says “space” in my screenshot (DO NOT type enter, just click somewhere else afterward).

@DRDS: Because the “Window” menu is enumerated after the “Tools” menu, the shortcut for “Window / Model Info” may override the spacebar setting for the SelectTool.

Make sure the shortcut for the Model Info window is set to something else, or hilight and delete the shortcut if it’s is set to “Space”.

The Mac interface will detect if you try to assign the same key to two different actions and will ask you which one you want to keep. I don’t think it will allow duplicates.

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