Unfortunately this is a bug that has not been fixed yet. I haven’t found a workaround yet.
It might be good that you also send Curic this bug report. Perhaps if more of us complain he’ll fix it sooner…
The mechanics of the interior elevation, callout, and bounding box could be better explained.
@Cyentruk, can I use Throwel when I want to select the face hidden by the Curic Section hatch and adjust it?
The Curic DIO tools only work with solid objects (must have a volume). The Curic Section hatches are just faces, not an objects. So you can’t.
You can set the concrete hatch material at a higher Z index and it will cover in these situations.
Or you can just draw the walls accurately to how it will be built.
That wall isn’t at root level, it’s probably a group/component nested in deeper hierarchy.
The same with Curic section faces.
I would:
- Double click edit the wall.
- Hit hide rest of model shortcut.
- Use trowel in that context without seeing curic section.
Yes, I do like this or with Curic Section View. I thought there was a Throwel secret on how to do this faster.
I wasn’t referring to the Curic Section hatch but to this face
Can I use Throwel alone without going into the group/hiding the rest/ and adjusting the length?
Yes, you can switch to wireframe style (I got a shortcut for this), activating the Trowel tool > hover to an edge belongs to the face > hold Shift + click to be able pick the face.
Can you not use the Trowel tool’s Boolean Operation to trim the internal wall with the external wall?
I don’t use Curic section so I don’t know of any weird interaction that might result or whether it’s possible.
Curic Section just create a group of drawing elements on the top (but below the section cut a little bit). Then there will be not any weird interaction can be happen. To update section hatches, Curic just simple erase the section group that contains hatches created before then create a new one.
I tried using Xray, but it’s very tricky to find the face I want, I think I’ll stick with the Curic Section View
The internal and external walls are in different group hierarchies and I don’t think this option would work.
Curic section hatch is a separate, locked group, made up of different faces. It cannot create weird interactions with SU groups.
First I make the changes to the groups/components, and then I update the hatch in Curic Section extension
It works. The powerful of DIO tools is working through any nested level groups.
Here is the proof. From root, I borrowed a face from a group inside the hierarchy A then create a “fake geometry” to subtract the group inside the hierarchy B.
Anyway if you have not known yet. Curic DIO have a command to isolate selected objects that can call from menu View > “Toggle Isolate” or if you set a shortcut for it.
My bad, I thought @PaulMcAlenan was talking about SU default Solid Tools
The wireframe, not the xray.
the wireframe is too messy. I’ll watch your videos again, maybe I’ll catch this moment. If you have time, please make a short tutorial on what you would do in this situation and how to modify a group using wireframe. Thanks
Hi guys. Sometimes when I’m using the trowel and Curic Section View, it wants to pick objects in front of the section cut instead of the object I’m trying to select. Is anyone noticing this and is there a workaround?
Any chance of an animation to show.
I’ve just fired up Curic Section View and nothing seems odd…yet.
Ha. I tried doing one and it fixed itself. It’s a not totally consistent bug.
Here’s a gif I made of it happening but the file size is obnoxiously large: