Curic DIO 2 documentation

The power of DIO tools is able to create geometry through nested groups level, that helps us not to click many times to open nested groups to draw something. So, the best way is use it from the root of the active path, and advoid to work at raw geometry level, one of main reason that cause the crash.

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I still think it makes sense to click a few levels in for very complex models that are well organized.


Trowel - Tutorial 1:
Borrow a face from a group to subtract a solid object in other nested groups level.

How to do that?

  1. Activate Trowel tool
  2. Hover mouse to a face and click, or an edge of a face if it is not seen by camera then hold Shift + Click.
  3. Drag the mouse to create geometry then hold Ctrl + Click to the object you want to working with. Ctrl+Click mean confirm activate DIO = Draw in Object (draw in the object was clicked)
  4. Release Ctrl then continue to drag throught the object then make a final click to confirm subtract. Watch the icon of mouse, can use Tab to switch between Subtract or Union mode.



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Okay that’s pretty cool.

If Curic would just write a comprehensive guide for this he could sell it for 10x the price.

It also makes sense to model in a level where ypu can see a couple of objects, and manipulate inside them though you can see them from outside.

If you get inside one of them and edit it you have to toggle hide rest of model if you want to relate with other objects, but this will force you to either see no object at all or see all pf the model.

Modeling from outside allows you to see relationa between pbjects in the same context

Right. I guess what I meant was in my work modeling from the top level sometimes gets too busy and too many things in the way. It can be helpful to drill down 1 or 2 levels just to be able to orbit all the way around the group of object you’re modifying without getting stuck in walls and stuff.

Where is tutorial 2,3,14? :smirk:

With Cuong’s comments in mind I have been making sure that I am not using DIO2 on raw geometry in the deepest nested group and I have been using Isolate Object more but I am still getting the occasional crash even when operating at the top level.

But I’m easy about it.

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My last 2 cents
I basically only use the trowel when I check the model. With the help of the Curic Section View extension, I go step by step and correct the small mistakes left behind. It saves time because I don’t have to go into hundreds of components.
I don’t remember when it let me down :wink:


At the risk of going off topic, I would ask you and others here who are using curic/5d etc in a major way for their workflow: how smooth is your sketchup running?

I am very frequently getting bug splats. More now than ever and I think that it’s related to either the latest version of 5D+ or to Curic Section View.

I’ve only recently started using Curic Section view so I feel like it’s related to that.

I’m trying to pinpoint the source of crashes, and it’s mostly random, but I have had a couple of cases of it happening when I start using the scale tool (I use the curic scale overlay). Also, when my sketchup crashes, I lose my trays and have to reconfigure them.

There have been cases of crashes using Curic Section View, but I don’t remember the last time.
I specifically tried to force Curic Section View (video) with a fairly large 3d model (45mb), it seems to work fine

Maybe @Cyentruk has more information, on what you could do to avoid bug splat

Yeah I feel that all of these extensions probably talk to native sketchup just fine, its just that they sometimes don’t talk to other extensions very well.

That’s because Curic Section View, I sometime get crash when start activate Section View slider of the tool.

I also purchased the Curic suite and the little I have learned about it so far has been useful and easily integrated into my work flow, but I have also been a bit frustrated with the lack of information on how to actually use a lot of these tools. I would definitely be interested in more information/tutroials about curics tools!

That’s the faustian bargain of curic. He makes the best extensions with the worst support.

I’m in big trouble on a project and then I’ll be back to this thread to finish it. I’ve been using DIO/trowel a ton and have found some new bugs/quirks with it. I use chalk line also a good bit, offset rarely, and intersect never. I think I’m scared to mess with intersect until I learn more about it.

I’ll do Section / Section view next, since it’s the one I use the most out of Curic’s tools.

The way I learnt about DIO2 (at least most of its abilities), was to watch the TutorialsUp video several times with SketchUp open and practicing what is shown.

Sometimes on a project I would revisit certain sections of the video to refresh myself.

Following this thread I revisited the slice face feature – I never thought I needed it (and I didn’t bother to understand it) but it’s actually quite a useful feature.

There is already a Curic Section 's User Manual written by a user @jure. :joy:


Yes. I’ve read that. It’s a great resource but I think there are a lot of parts that could be more detailed.

Hey, you can leave comment to the Curic Section manual and I will add more info where needed.

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@jure, since we’re discussing the Curic Section, how can I modify the hatch for Cad Export? Every time I change /add the “Pattern Cad,” I don’t see any changes. Am I doing something wrong?


Edit: I noticed there have already been complaints about this. Any news?