Create an internal hole within a wall for nut inserts

Well It has taken a few more hours this morning, from 0900 till 1300, but finally managed to get the internal ‘hole’ components aligned within the outer frame.

But although they are tubes sticking out of the sides of the outer frame, the outer frame fills the holes.

Charge box with holes.skp (145.5 KB)

4 ½ hours later and still not made these holes appear through the side of the box.

Have tried reversing and un reversing the faces, of the holes… this is a complete rebuild of all the components, New build.skp (132.8 KB)

Let me know when you’re ready for that demo and I’ll set it. It’ll get me out of laying carpet.

Carpet laying …something I should get around to too.

Just done quick test…and it worked perfectly…a simple box and a tube.
Create box
Create cylinder
Reverse surface of complete cylinder
Slide the cylinder in to the box and delete the ‘end caps’

Think itest.skp (30.3 KB)
have ‘reversed the faces’ so often, I no do not know which way is the correct way

Maybe if you would not mind, could you look at my hole components and tell me what is wrong with them, why the outer surface ‘flows’ into them

It’s because you didn’t follow the description I gave yesterday.

Well, I have tried to follow them. but they just never seem to work or the faces can’t be centred or aligned…have been trying for …well since about 0930 …it is now almost 1830. Done nothing bu try to do that for the past 9 hours.

Trying again now to create the hexagon block with the cylinder in it.

This is how I made the ‘holes’ box

Cylinder 5mm dia 8mm deep
Hexagon with flat top 8.8 wide, 5mm deep
Reverse sides of all sides and combine in to one piece.
Make that piece a single component

Duplicate it and place two of the 22mm apart
Draw rectangle on top, and pull down to create channel between the two hexagons
Make piece with the connecting channel a Component

I then duplicate them, place in a row and then duplicate that row , with the single connectors

Then, check the spacing and then make it all a group to place within the box

The width of the box sides is that of the cylinder depth, 8mm, so the sides should be coincident with the sides of the box.

So i can work on one single unit and, but that is where it seems to go wrong. Once it is merged with the box…

It looks like all of your faces are reversed, which could cause some issues.

Yes, that is what Dave had said to do…these items are being placed inside solid walls, to create hollow voids.

3D print up to the top of the flat box…pause th print, insert connected nuts in each hollow slot and continue the print.

Yes. He’s got the face orientation correct for the voids he’s creating. @colin, go back and look at my screen shots. When the voids are correctly combined with the box walls, the face orientation will be correct.

Think the problem is I can’t get the tube through the hexagon, and delete the centre of the tube from the original face of the hexagon

Delete the face of the tube, but the face of the hexagon is still there inside

Ah, Intersect…not used that before …or heard of it., I’ll have a look

Built another model again…and created the hex blocks in different way, and ended up with the cylinder completely through the hex block.

But when fitted to the outer, it still gets covered by the outer skin.

maybe another need for the ;Intesect faces command’
I’ll try tomorrow…13 hours at this and still not done it…I’d have been quicker carving the bloody thing out of a piece of hardwood!
last time today.skp (126.9 KB)

Intersect was the trick! That did itlast time today.skp (271.4 KB)

Yep, that wa the issue.

Went through a few of my older model from earlier today. and they all worked once the Intersect command was issued!


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