Convert skp to version 6

Can someone convert my skp file made online to version 6? because my daughter work with the online free version and can t open the skp file at school, her teacher say her to convert the file to version 6 to open the file but i don’t know how to do this :frowning:

how can upload her file?
thanks for helping her

The online versions of SketchUp will open the model files from the current version of SketchUp. Converting it to a version 6 file is not necessary. You would have to upload the file here, anyway. Drag it and drop it into a reply.

In fact at school, she used the version 6, she work at school, and try to continue her work at home with the online version. The online version correctly open the file from version 6 and save it in newer version, but when she wants to continue at school, she doesn’t because version 6 can’t open the online file.

here is the file if you can convert it? thanks

domus.skp (390.3 KB)

Here you go.

domus-v_6.skp (312.3 KB)

thank you very much! my daughter say that she have a modification to do, can she do the modification and send you the file again to convert it? juste one time promise :slight_smile:

I’ll do it if I’m available.

here is the file

thanks by advance

domus.skp (445.4 KB)

domus (1)-v_6.skp (345.2 KB)

thank you very much,

Can i do the manipulation alone with a free sketchup version or other tool or i need a pro version?

When you have time if you can explain me the manipulation in order to avoid anoying you again :slight_smile:


No. You can’t do it yourself with the free version. It won’t save to older versions. It’s weird that the school is using SketchUp 6 which is about 15 years old, hasn’t been supported and has web vulnerabilities due to the unsupported web browsers.

yes i know but i think it’s a question of money…She is in 4ème (France), it’s 8th grade in state i think, and they don’t need more functionality, it’s just to manipulate and discover this software.

Thanks for your help