Collada export breaking solid

A fix or workaround would be appreciated. I have uploaded my skp of a building I have cleaned and made solid with the solid inspector2 (that was quite a learning curve). I then group it and export as a .dae however this export is breaking the topology so my object is no longer a solid. I am using SketchUp Make 2015 in windows 7. I have tried exporting it out using SketchUp Pro 2017 and I have experienced some improvement (sometimes) but this has shown itself to not be a robust fix. Neither is doing it with windows10. I export out with triangulated faces and have reimported merging coplanar faces, and not.
I need my object closed. How can I get it out of SketchUp where its still closed? Or how can I get my object to a closed collada?
cityhall_raw_2015_3exported.dae (323.0 KB)
cityhall_raw_2015_3.skp (139.3 KB)