Capture large amount of terrain


I’ve been trying to use the Add Location option in Sketchup, but it only let me import a reduced amount of terrain. I need to import a larger area (the size of a volcano) with a Google Referenced real image.

I tried adding different selections of the area of the volcano, but the plains are intersected and the results are not good. I also tried downloading a .stl file from Terrain2STL, but i can not open it directly in Sketchup, and I also need the model with the Google Earth texture.

Can anybody help me? Thanks!

Hi DaveR!

Yes, I’m still using Sketchup 2017. The location is The Volcan Popocateptl, in Puebla, Mexico, and to add the Location i go to File > Geolocalization > Add Localization, but it only let me import a limited surface amount which is not enough.

The images align.
But the terrain geometry does not.
Creating a functional terrain from multiple imports is no small task.
Functional terrain meaning a single Surface entity with no holes, overhangs, underhangs, or caves.

More ideas here…

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this is the way.