Can't open materials in Opencutlist extension

Is someone else having the same issue with OpenCutList extension
when I ever press Materials it says “Calculating a world of peace…”

And it doesn’t change at all

Edit: a screenshot of the bug Screenshot by Lightshot

Share the SketchUp file so we can see what you are working with.

What version of SketchUp are you really using? You put “Free Plan” 2024 in your forum profile. The only current free plan is web based and has no option for using extensions.

Oh i have updated my profile. It’s 2024 pro and here the file.
122.skp (128.7 KB)

I just downloaded the extension and testing it.

If you haven’t applied materials, yet, there isn’t much to calculate and so the computer resources are used to calculate world peace……
Apply at least a color or material, then choose what kind of material it should be (solid/sheet/etc)

The only materials in your model belong to the scale figure. You haven’t applied any materials to your cabinet so there’s nothing for OCL to calculate. You also haven’t made separate components for each piece. Your cabinet is modeled as if you’re going to carve it out of a huge chunk of wood.

If you are going to actually make it out of MDF or plywood, you need to model each part as a separate component.

Here I’ve modeled your cabinet as separate components. I didn’t add any joinery. I did apply one of the supplied wood materials to the faces in the components. Use this as an example.

122 dr.skp (244.0 KB)

Ok i didn’t know about the components, so i made new one just to demonstrate .

it seems the material in sketchup is bugged too . whenever i press something in material colors it just stays blank. But I can copy materials from “In Model” only . here a test : Screenshot by Lightshot

also here is the file after i redid:
122.skp (7.2 MB)

Are you referring to the blue/white square at the top of the Materials window?

When you installed SketchUp did you right click on the downloaded installer and choose Run as administrator? If not, close SketchUp and do that. Then choose Repair when the option is presented.

Thank you so much. it got fixed when i Ran it as Admin
Even the Extension works now

Did you run the installer using Run as administrator or did you just open SketchUp using Run as administrator?

I just Opened SketchUp Run as Admin .

Don’t do that. Do what I directed. Use Run as administrator for the installer and repair the installation.