Cannot interact with files from different devices


When I open a file that was created on a different device, I am unable to interact with it. It is comparable to when a dialog box opens, which means that you cannot interact with the program until it closes, just without the dialog box. This also means that I am unable to close the file without having to resort to using the task manager.

This only happens when I open a file from a different device. When I create a new file or open a file from my own laptop it works fine, but in all of the other files that I have tried so far, this problem occurs.

I have included the .skp file, and two recordings in the zip file, one from a new file, which works fine, and one from the file I included in the .zip.

The sounds you hear at the end of the clip of the new file were caused by me clicking on the old file on my second screen, this second screen is also the reason that you can only see part of the program in the second video. Sorry that it is a bit clunky, but I don’t have any recording software besides the one that comes with Windows.

I really hope you can help me, because this file is part of an assignment I have to hand in on Wednesday.

Kind regards, Stijn

SketchUp Pro Technical (4.0 MB)

You have got an older version of file. When the file is opening the File Version notification window is off screen:

Try this

  1. Hold down the ALT key. Hit SPACEBAR.

  2. Release ALT key

  3. Hit M (Move).

  4. Hit Up arrow key (or any other arrow key)

  5. Move your mouse around (without pressing any mouse key) until you see the missing window visible

  6. Press left mouse button on the desired place

( Note I assume you have English windows otherwise you may need to replace “M” with a localized start letter of “Move”)

You shouldn’t be trying to open a SKP file on a device other than the one you are working on [where you have SketchUp installed].
Copy the SKP file across your network onto your current device.
That copy should be opened there, worked on, and saved.
After the editing etc you can re-save the SKP back to its original storage location, if desired.

Working on SKP files that are not on the same device is an endless source of reported problems, often they appear to have saved but the SKP file is actually corrupted and no longer usable [potentially losing you all of your work] - this is typically caused by network glitches losing critical data during the save-process. But copying files across the network is more robust and error-free…

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