Can I Hold a Non-Profit Sketchup Seminar Workshop at School?

Hi, I am very much troubled in our school. They teach 2d graphics with you know, the other modelling and planning software that is very very hard to learn, the one with the dwg extension… I was wondering if I could hold a non profit seminar-workshop in our school with sketchup? I am not an expert in the software but I think I will be able to show them basics and some advance things with the raw software without any extensions. They use 2d and 3d modelling softwares mostly for animation, architecture, furniture, logo making, character design and interior design.

It it’s ok with Sketchup? Free tutorial for them, more users for you and some friends fro me (maybe)! :smiley:

@GovernorKim Sure, you are welcome to host a SketchUp workshop at your school. If you are looking for content to share, take a look at our SketchUp for Schools curriculum. Let us know how it goes!

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Thankyou sir @Steve_Ketchup , I will try to convince the student government to host the seminar, and I will be the speaker :laughing: I’ll update you on their say :grin: .Hopefully they approve the seminar :slight_smile: