[Bug] view.write_image 2p perspective panned #SU-0423

SU2017 x64 Pro - Bug SU-0423
When writing an image active_view.write_image() of 2p perspective view with panning applied, the resulting image is additionally shifted in the direction of the shift, instead of being centred. This happens when output image ratio is different then SketchUp view width/height ratio.

I have included this sample code in the 2pPersp_PannedImageWriteBug.skp (152.3 KB)
attached example:

aspect = Sketchup.active_model.active_view.vpwidth/Sketchup.active_model.active_view.vpheight.to_f

Check the SU aspect image - Chris is on the right part of the image, while when exporting at 600x600 he occupies left side.

When the sample code run on a 2p perspective view without panning, both images keep centred.

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