Box printed as solid block

I’m not sure what I’ve done, but I created a hollow 5 sided box which ended up printing as a solid block of resin. Even in the Phrozen printer software it showed as a shell box. Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong with the original design in Sketchup?

Share the .skp file so someone can see what is wrong with it…

Maybe the sides have no thickness?

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As requested, share the .skp file so we can see what you are working with.

Shep might have gotten it in one. If you made the mistake of thinking that faces have thickness in SketchUp, that would be your problem. You also need to ensure face orientation is correct.

Here I’ve created a model that fits what you describe and would be 3D printable. I’ve added a section cut across the corner to show that the bottom also has thickness.

Pick a box.
Which is most like yours.?
Box box box


Hi - I used the second method here and it has worked a treat! Thanks!

So what method did you use that didn’t work a treat?


My guess is the first one…
