Bounding box separated from group

I don’t know how it happened, but a group bounding box is separated from a group. I thought I could just ungroup, but it won’t let me do that. Attached is a screenshot and a skp

. file.

Woodacres House.skp (278.6 KB)

While selected tap Enter, then click off the object to close the group and it should be fixed.
It is a bug that has yet to be resolved.

My keyboard doesn’t have an Enter key (Im on a Mac) so I tried the return key, but it didn’t work for me. Ill try some other keys.

Slightly more drastic then is Explode then regroup.

the return key is the enter key. apple felt it was a good idea to remove the enter symbol and write return instead. go figure.

if return doesn’t work, try pressing both fn and return
I think I remember reading about some apps that saw both functions slightly differently

I can’t right click to get to the explode command because it just deselects. The little magnifying glass to search sketchup won’t show anything for explode.

I don’t have an FN or Return key. Im on a Mac

You can fix groups like that with Outliner. Select only that group, double-click it in Outliner to edit group. Single click it in Outliner to exit the group. It’s now fixed.

Basically the same fix as Box was describing.

We still don’t know steps to make a group get into that state. Do you know of anything about the way you made the group, that could have been what introduced the problem?

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The Mac steps that do work are:

Select the group (not necessarily easy, but see my recording).
Tap the Return key.
Tap the esc key.

mac have fn and return keys. I’m on a mac.
on some keyboards the fn is a globe. on some keyboards the return key is an arrow. or return.

please show a photo of your keyboard.

Thank you everyone and Colin,
The return and escape keys worked!

This was a model I started a couple years ago on Pro for my daughter’s house, so the group was created then. After I retired I unsubscribed from Pro and today I purchased a Go subscription and imported the old skp. I was editing the group in go, I think maybe the mouse slipped, and then the file crashed.

I have never used the Outliner. How did you know which group to double click?

if you select a group on screen, it gets selected in the outliner. and vice-versa. so he selected the weird group, then double clicked on the one highlighted

Here’s a photo

This has been happening to me – which the SketchUp team know about.

For me, it seems to occur when I am editing a group and then a crash happens.

I use Curic’s DIO2 a lot and DIO2 does crash.

But yes, if I can enter the group and then escape, it solves to issue. But this is easier said than done with my nested grouped models trying to select the problem group.

Yup, I was editing a group too.

fn bottom left (to switch between f1 f2 f3… and the volume / media keys). return on the right, on some keyboards named enter or just a weird arrow :wink:

edit : oh yeah, old school keyboard, with an eject key :heart_eyes:

Thanks atelier

Gee, I never knew I had an eject key!

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Warning! Never use that eject key when on an airplane unless you’re wearing a parachute…

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