Not sure if you noticed that this very topic has already a recent discussion on this forum:

Also I personally would be careful not to force another individuum into the spotlight. After all they are real people with a private life and being copied and edited by millions of users is not something that fits every personality, it must be truely voluntary.

Also if you select and classify people based on their look, gender, childhood origin, in order to fulfill diversity quotas, you need to focus again on differences. I humbly assume people want to feel being treated equally (like the others) and feel well integrated with all facets of their personality, but not receive a treatment only because they are different in one aspect and are just now needed as “quota person”, e.g. the “quota woman” or the “quota black”.
(Again, the term “black” would be a too crude classification for a wide range of people who mostly have very diverse skin tones. I’ve never seen a human for which black would be an appropriate color name.)

I’m all for diversity, and since such discussions have been going on for a long time, I would not be surprised if some of the team members step up voluntarily for the next release to represent how diverse the team actually is.