Is there any way for us to see/know if our domains have been whitelisted? I’m assuming this is still necessary to do, though all similar posts are from 2 years ago. I don’t see any way to find out if this was already done
I was getting the “Are you in the right place” message, but after trying several times it worked and has stayed working. I have not gotten it to work at all using a student account, but (afaik) this was working previously.
Also doesn’t seem to be a way to request this other than to put our domains on this forum, which I’m not in love with having to do
Hi @evan.morrissey, thanks for the post. We have a few requirements for people that want to be added to the database of approved domains. Specifically, we need three things.
First we need to know the domain you want added. You already provided that so you are 1/3 done! Next, we need you to tell us if you are a k-12 school or not. Sometimes I can use the domain to locate that info but in this case I was unable to so you will need to state in text form if you are a k-12 school or not. Finally, while it is not required, we also ask for a link to a school website or district website if possible.
Can you provide me with what I need so I can get you added to our database?
Also, we may need additional information to start troubleshooting if the database is not the issue so please complete your profile when you have a chance as that will help us to better help you.
I came here for the same exact issue. Students are getting the ‘Are you in the right place?’ message. Bishop Stang High school, 9-12,
Hi @evan.morrissey and @smaxwell, thanks for the posts. I’ll address both of you in a single post so just look for your username for the part that matters to you.
First up I’ll address you evan.morrissey. I was able to get you added to the database or rather get your subdomain added to the database. If you are still seeing errors, let me know and we can start troubleshooting to try and track down the issue.
As for you smaxwell, I can add you but I want to confirm your domain is the same as the website you linked before I add anything. Can you confirm that the domain is the same as your site?