Architecture Style Question

I ran across the attached photo, and I’m wondering if anyone knows what style of architecture this might be called.

This depicts rowhouses, a series of interconnected residences separated by common party walls which usually occur centered along the property boundary lines at each side of the edifice. Rowhouses (sometimes referred to as townhouses) may subscribe to a mixture of styles because these types of structures were rarely designed to be specifically emblematic of a particular genre of design (a factor resulting partly from their intrinsic box like nature). Rowhouses are usually situated in urban environments where larger tracts of land are not readily available for development, this housing type appears to have been informed by a variety of design styles and periods. The rowhouse form was initially developed in 16th century Europe and later in North America as a means of accommodating more people in less space.

I think the style most closely reflected in the photograph would be considered “Queen Anne”. (Emphasis on the phrase “I think”.)

Some architectural critics may recognize the influence of the Italianate style to a lesser degree. The structures shown in the photo are located in Scotland, however, the Queen Anne style was the standard for domestic architecture during the Victorian era in the United States; the style is difficult to define, encompassing a wide range of architectural elements which borrows and combines features from multiple stylistic traditions.

For comparison, here are a few examples of some architectural styles:
Architectural Styles Response.pdf (338.6 KB)

It might be fun to model this though (including the horse drawn cart) if the time were available.