Adding dynamic attributes to select their values in LayOut labels

Covered many times in the Dynamic Components forum category.

However, using Ruby introspection you can discover the built-in methods that the extension itself uses.

dc = $dc_observers.get_latest_class
#=> #<DynamicComponentsV1:0x0000020ab91cfdc ... >

# I won't paste the output here for brevity sake, do this at the Console
# see the full list of methods that the class instance has defined.

#=> -4 
# Ie, (negative denotes variable, 3 required and additional optional args.)

=> [
 [:req, :entity], [:req, :name], [:req, :value], [:opt, :formula],
 [:opt, :label], [:opt, :access], [:opt, :options], [:opt, :formlabel],
 [:opt, :units], [:opt, :error], [:opt, :formulaunits], [:opt, :name_prefix],
 [:opt, :can_delete_formlabel]

Playing around with changing DC attribute parameters and viewing using Aerilius’ Attribute Inspector, here is a preliminary list for argument values …

All of the default values for optional arguments are nil (which means the extension will not change nor create that attribute;) … except for:

  • name_prefix which is an empty string.
  • can_delete_formlabel which is likely Boolean

The list of valid access settings include:

  • "NONE" if consumers can’t see or edit this attribute
  • "VIEW" if consumers can see this attribute
  • "TEXTBOX" if consumer can enter a value for this attribute
  • "LIST" if consumers can select a value from a list

This options is a ampersand separated string of name/value pairs that looks like a
web query string. It comes into play if the access setting for an attributeis set to “LIST.”

  • EXAMPLE: "Small=10&Medium=15&Really+Large=25"

The valid display units are:

  • "DEFAULT" (user’s model units)
  • "STRING"
  • "FLOAT"
  • "EUROS"
  • "YEN"
  • "BOOLEAN" (true or false)
  • "INCHES"
  • "FEET"
  • "YARDS"
  • "POUNDS" (weight)
  • "METERS"

Some of the valid formulaunits are:

  • "LENGTH"
  • "FLOAT"
  • "STRING"
  • "INCHES"
    … perhaps more.