About the SketchUp Diffusion category

Hey Aris,

well the usual, straight lines stops being straight, the AI can’t really understand what it’s being shown, so a metal grate becomes a chair, weird lights or shadows… or in your example, the horizon line that becomes a wall, a row of bushes, a line of snow. that’s very AI-ish :slight_smile:
It’s like the movie Annihilation, things are looking off, and you can’t exactly point what’s wrong, but it’s looking off.

clay render, models, watercolours… part of the weirdness is softened by the artistic medium. but in “realistic” images, the longer you stare, the weirder it gets.

will I show it in training ? sure. to the groups advanced enough at least. maybe they’ll find uses for it
Will I use it ? I don’t do a lot of rendering, and I’ll probably use stable diffusion even less, maybe for some quick artistic-looking images? not that I make many of those either :sweat_smile:

well, like before, I only saw your message because you @ me. otherwise, it didn’t appear in the “latest” forum page, meaning that people who don’t know it’s here… won’t look for it.

probably yeah. I don’t know discourse, but I worked on older forum systems, was the section only visible to a certain group, and then you opened the group to everyone ? or did you delete the group and made it visible to all ?
do the people that were in the group see the recent posts in the “latest” page ?


Ok, I saw Royce’s new post appear.
My guess is that all the existing messages from @Aristodimos were made before this section was public, and discourse won’t show the new messages in it. BUT it will show new threads made after it was made public.
I think.