A Question For The Old Timers With Respect To Version 2019

I’m a trouble maker who always questions authority, but the consensus on loose geometry and Layer0 is so unanimous, I’ve kept a number of thoughts to myself rather than cause trouble.

It seems to me, it’s the automatic “stickiness” of SU that causes the issue where loose geometry on multiple layers opens the door to hiding relevant geometry from view when editing a model and unexpected results can happen, correct? The broader answer to “only draw on Layer0” is more like “never hide relevant loose geometry while modeling.”

I’ve only experimented with this as an idea, and it involves complexity, but IF (I’m just speculating IF) I wanted to put loose geometry on another layer, I might do this:

  • Restrict loose geometry only to certain layers whose name begins with ! (exclamation) It’s not only alarming, it sorts before any other character, so all those layers appear right below Layer0
  • Use syles and scenes to create a scene button that invokes “modeling mode” as apposed to other “display styles.”
  • Modeling mode doesn’t change the camera, but ensures that Layer0 is active and all the ! layers are visible.
  • Always invoke modeling mode before editing a model.

I’ve never actually used this, it’s just been a concept. Now you can trash it all you want.