5D+ Library - A new and free extension to manage SketchUp assets

The testing version of 5D+ Library - an extension to manage your library in SketchUp are now available. If you want to join, please let me know.

This will be a free extension when it is official released.

Tutorial video


I have uploaded a tutorial video.

Dude - your videos have improved by like a 1000% since you added that voice thingy!!!

This ALMOST looks like my dream come true. It has nearly all functions that I was searching for in a component browser except one that might be implementable. We have our component collection in theme-skp files - so not a folder with 100 components but a file with a 100 components. Why? because these components share certain subcomponents and saving them “one by one” would destroy that structure.

My proposed solution would be to not only to be able to “heart” a skp file but also to be able to “add skp to library”. It would then be scanned to find all components inside of it.

(If this is to complex, I will likely use this component manger anyway, and we would redo our structure, as this is just too good to pass on)

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Ah - and yes - I would be happy to help testing.

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Hi, this function is in the roadmap and it will be added to the extension in the final publish release.

If you are using 5D+ Plus, you can use this funtion from the context menu or from the “Save objects” button in Other tools. This 'll help you to save multiple objects (groups or components) into a folder.

Additionally, if your components are DCs, the “Relace & Match” function will work perfectly, because it can automatically redraw the DC after scaling, follow by the size of replaced object.

Hello valued testers of 5D+ Library, here is new version 0.2.0

What’s new?

  1. From now on, you won’t lose your settings after install a new version.

  2. Open the file within SketchUp from Library

  3. Now you can add selected objects directly into current folder or create a sub folder. @napperkt

  4. “Find in model” will highlight and zoom to the selected item in SketchUp view port. Otherwise, objects are selected in SketchUp viewport also highlighted if you are browsing in “Active models” of the library.

Please download the latest version in the link that I send you.

Happy browsing!


@Cyentruk I would like to be part of the testing if you would. These “in sketchup” workflow concepts are awesome…


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