Welcome to our forums! Please introduce yourself :)

Who are you, who, who? My name is Frankie, short for Francoise
What is your industry and profession? I am a cashier at a large home improvement warehouse but I am hoping to break into the design business
Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? personally, at home, to release my creative passions
Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? I love to design almost anything. I have innate urge to create things so SketchUp helps me to visualize them. Currently I am really into tiny houses so I am drawing a lot of components for tiny houses. I’m also obsessed with lamps for some reason.
How proficient are you in SketchUp? I don’t know what I don’t know but I think I am a Beginner. I see a lot of cool designs and have no clue how they were made.
What is your current set up? Computer type, SketchUp version…etc. Windows 7, sketchup 14
Do you have a 3DW page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? Frankie Benka | 3D Warehouse
Anything else you would like to tell us? (e.g., you once saw a UFO & tried to model it in SketchUp to get a prototype 3D printed…) I once accidentally drew a ufo in sketchup.
What is your favorite Emoji? :grimacing:
Do you enjoy long walks on the beach…? I miss the ocean. I lived in Seattle for 30 years. Now I am landlocked, not by choice. Well ok by choice but…that’s a whole other story.