SketchUp 2016 – Oddities, Surprises, Or Bugs? (RE: Keyboard Shortcuts)


I’m running Sketchup 2016 on Linux under Wine. Sketchup 2015 runs fine with keyboard shortcuts, but 2016 does not seem to recognize any keyboard strokes. Not only the normal shortcuts for tools, but also Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V and Del key are not registered. I’ve tried the “Reset all” button, but to no avail. Sketchup 2015 still works well.


  • When using the “draw text labels” tool, I can type! So I do have a keyboard, but strokes are not registered as shortcuts. Even something as S for Scaling does not work.
  • Using Shift to extend selections does work
  • I tried exporting 2015 settings and reimporting in 2016, this did not work
  • When I look at the Edit/Delete shortcut in the preferences, it is set to Delete by default. When removing that key, and then trying to add it again, the Del key is correctly recognized as Delete in the Add Shortcut box, but when I press the + , I get a popup saying “Key cannot be used as shortcut”. When assigning D to Edit/Delete it is accepted, but not doing anything in the editor

As shortcuts.plist is a Mac thing, I wouldn’t know how to resolve this issue on my system.

Any suggestion what I could do?