MySketchUp should be able to open/edit/save and/or import/export COLLADA (dae) files

COLLADA Overview - The Khronos Group Inc says:

COLLADA 1.4 is the stable release of the specification that has been widely adopted by the video game, digital entertainment, and GIS industries. This version of COLLADA supports geometry meshes, skinning, morphing, animation, physics, shaders and effects.

COLLADA 1.5 is the newest specification that provides all of the features found in the stable COLLADA 1.4 schema plus several new features that enable users of CAD, GIS, and Automation applications to enjoy the benefits of open standard royalty free content format.

That said, format import / export is a workflow function which can be done by the host, which currently is Trimble Connect. Or if the model is transferred to the 3D Warehouse, then it could be done there on the 3DW servers.

If users want to “work with DAE” the import and export could be made transparent, and the SKP files hidden or reside in some temporary sub-folder. But this may (or may not) slow loading and saving.