How to create a component definition without drawing?

Thanks. Checking out the syntax and examples in developer/docs, I think I have a version working, in that there are no superimposed items. The code’s below. Is this a typical way to make and use multiply instantiated items?

# Create a component definition first, using DefinitionList's entities. Then draw for real into active's entities.
# First we pull in the standard API hooks.
    require 'sketchup.rb'
    n = 3
    s = 100
    w = 20
    entities = model.entities
    compdefinition=definitions.add "Block"
    group = compdefinition.entities.add_group
    face = group.entities.add_face [0,0,0],[w,0,0],[w,w,0],[0,w,0]
    face.pushpull -w
    component = group.to_component
    (0..n).each { |i|
        (0..n).each { |j|
            (0..n).each { |k|
                transformation =[i*s,j*s,k*s])
                componentinstance = entities.add_instance(component.definition, transformation)