Face Orientation into 3rd Party App

Flipped faces on import of skp model into lightwave. I’m using the couch.skp file that comes with 2016. I end up with one face flipped in the couch arm. On the other arm which is a transformed version of the arm I have no problems. I’ve been using the skp to xml project as a guide.

Is there a definitive way of getting the point order for the face. I’ve tried loops, edges and edgeuses to get winding orders and looked at the normal vector of the face.

If I use the mesh helper to create a tessellated object I can get all the faces pointing in the correct direction. However I don’t want to use triangles as this makes any further modelling laborious.

Attached is part of the function for writing the face and images of objects as they are imported into lightwave.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


FacePoints.txt (3.8 KB)