Copy command (or lack of it)

And what I wrote about how to set a shortcut that is context sensitive.

The toolbar looks different, but are the icons not the same?

Beginning to wish I hadn’t started this thread!

Answer to your question is “not exactly”. Take a look at the attached GIF. This illustrates the way the Move command works. Select item for moving; hit M key; select handle and move. If you want to move it again, choose the same or another handle and then move. To do all this involves one keystroke, minimal use of the mouse button, and some mouse movement. I want that simplicity in a copy command. In short: select item for copying; hit C key (say); select handle and move/copy. If you want another with a different handle, just repeat that last step.

Your solution works for a simple shape but try using a circle. You will get a handle that is not in its centre nor on its periphery. I understand why but it is not intuitive. Or very useful.

I have been using SU for over 10 years and in a serious capacity for the last two or more. I find it hard to believe that I what I want to do exists and I haven’t found it (but I would be happy to be proved wrong). I also find it hard to understand why, if it doesn’t exist, no one seems to think it should but are happy with what I consider to be inferior alternatives.

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Just for your info, I attach a screenshot of the icons available on my Mac. Not all can be seen but let me assure you there is nothing hidden further down the page that claims to be a copy icon!

Indeed, so far as I know there is no such available in the toolbar customization on Mac. In fact, there are none of the basic cut/copy/paste edit commands.

Hallelujah, praise be, and thank the Lord! An acknowledgment that what I want can’t be done. Thought not.

Now I understand what you want. Something like this Gif. That would be a cool feature to add to the move tool. Now pressing Ctrl (on windows) allows you to place one copy like this. It would be nice to be able to press Ctrl twice (or some other modifier) to place the move tool into ‘Continuous Copy’ mode. It would work like my windows tool does. Insertion point would stay set and you could place many copies simply by clicking.

Something gone a bit awry with your GIF - unless it’s just my end.

I can’t have been explaining myself at all well if I confused people about what I was after previously.

What is wrong with the gif?

This is what I see:

Which is how a standard paste works.

Interesting. I’m seeing this.
Here is the GIF

Your first link shows a static picture. Your second just shows a blank screen.

Then there is a problem on your end.
It’s an animated gif for me.

Not Quite. See below. The first copy is made using the move tool (Ctrl). The second copy was made using Ctrl+V.

But isn’t the the point of the whole long winded thread, … no i can’t explain as i’ve lost the will to live

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Neil has understood the issue. Not sure everyone else has.

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Filed feature request. [FR-0094]

Yay! Result.

This seemed to be the point of the thread but it seems pasting doesn’t have the same functionality as copying with the move tool. Specifically when copying using the move tool the insertion point stays where it was set when moving the original geometry. In my example above that is the center of the circle. When pasting the same circle you need to switch to the select tool then activate the move tool again to set the insertion point of the item to be moved. I should have shown that in my last gif and didn’t.